Social Media Manager Vs. Social Media Strategist

Are you considering outsourcing your marketing, but you don't know where to start? If your mind immediately goes to ads or hiring a social media manager, I hope this post expands your horizons when it comes to hiring marketing support.

I've been working in the online business space since 2019, and what I've noticed is that many business owners think they need to hire a social media manager for marketing help. The truth is, a social media manager is not for everyone—and this is coming from someone who primarily worked as one for years!

Let's dive into the differences and benefits of hiring a social media manager vs. social media strategist, so you can make an informed decision that's best for your business. While I primarily work as a marketing strategist, I do both social media management and social media strategy for clients. That being said, I believe there's a time and place for both—but you deserve to understand which one may be the best fit.

Outsourcing Marketing for Small Business

What does outsourcing marketing for small business actually look like? The truth is, it depends. If someone is trying to sell you a one-size-fits-all approach to your marketing, you may want to question that.

Here are a few different outsourcing marketing scenarios I've done in my marketing business.

  • Scenario A: For one client, I managed their content calendar. I strategized the content ideas for her, assigned them a publish date across her platforms, and then she'd film the videos, and I'd edit and post them. I occasionally wrote the captions, depending on how technical they were.

  • Scenario B: For another client, I worked on full marketing strategy and management. I filmed, photographed, and edited content, write and scheduled their emails, and hosted monthly strategy meetings to discuss KPIs and goals. This was about as in-depth as my services get, although there was little collaboration on the actual management side, as this client was very busy with their business.

  • Scenario C: A different client knew she could do the work but needed some strategy, guidance, and accountability. We crafted a strategy-only package where we met for meetings once a week to get her questions answered, develop a strategy for all her platforms, and came up with action items for her to implement. She didn't need the content creation or management, but the strategy package made her feel confident and motivated to prioritize her marketing.

Do you need a social media manager?

The role of a social media manager is typically to run and grow your social media accounts. Depending on the packages offered, this may include content creation, posting and scheduling, engagement, and reviewing your analytics.

As previously stated, social media management used to be my bread and butter. While I still do some of this work from time-to-time, social media management alone stopped feeling aligned for me because it's only one piece of the marketing pie. Growing a social presence is important, but it doesn't do much for you if you don't also have a strategic email marketing plan, website, and customer experience to support it. However, a social media manager serves a vital role for certain businesses. Here are some things to keep in mind when thinking about whether or not you need a social media manager.

Consider your goals.

What are your goals when it comes to outsourcing your marketing? It is to post more consistently, grow your account, and get your time back? If so, a social media manager may be the perfect fit for you.

The clients that really thrived with me as their social media manager did not have any interest in learning social media. They didn't want to be active there themselves, nor did they want to keep up with the trends. However, the clients that wanted to be more involved would have benefited from a strategist over a manager.

Assess what you enjoy and don't enjoy when it comes to social media.

Do you like replying to comments and DMs? Do you enjoy showing your face on social media and creating your own content? Or would you be more than happy to never open the Instagram app again?

These are things to consider when it comes to hiring a social media manager vs. social media strategist. If you feel excited by serving people on social media, then you may find you want to micromanage your SMM. Perhaps you'll think "I could just do it myself"...and maybe you should. Social media can be time consuming for everyone, but if it's something that genuinely lights you up, you don't need to fully outsource it.

Role of Social Media Strategist

While a social media manager is the implementer, a social media strategist develops the plan. They may not have their hands directly on your accounts, but they are still heavily involved in the social media process. Analytics are their best friend, and a social media strategist digs into data to see which types of content performs well and engages your audience.

A social media strategist develops a game plan for how you can use social media to reach your business goals—growing your email list, boosting your sales, and establishing you as an authority in your niche. They aren't thinking about posting content just for likes; their strategy is much deeper than that. They connect the dots between the content that goes up and hitting your KPIs each month.

It's important to note that the difference between a social media manager vs. social media strategist is not always black and white. Often times, these two run together. An experienced social media manager understands strategy as well, and may take on both roles regardless of their title. I know many talented business owners who offer this.

Traditionally, the social media strategist comes up with the plan, gives it to the social media manager, and they implement. If you only have one person on your team, they may naturally take on both roles.

This is why you shouldn't just hire your niece or neighbor to take over your social media. It's so much more than likes and followers, and developing a strong social media presence and marketing strategy is key to a successful business. Both a social media manager and social media strategist are important roles that could help your business grow long term.

Social Media Marketing Help

Did this post inspire you to get the ball rolling and outsource your marketing? If you're looking for social media marketing help, you're in the right place.

I create custom marketing packages for my clients that feel aligned to them, incorporate everything they enjoy about marketing, and will help them reach their business goals. Click here to inquire about my marketing services, and I look forward to meeting you!


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